Will Barndt
Associate Professor of Political Studies
On Sabbatical 2023-2024
With Pitzer Since: 2013
Field Group: Political Studies
Campus Address: Scott 202
Phone: 909.607.7408
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: See Faculty Directory
Will Barndt teaches and writes on the comparative politics of the Americas. His interests include political parties, democratic populism, the discipline of political science, the political importance of place, and the theory & practice of the small residential liberal arts college.
Educational Background
MA, PhD, Princeton University
BA, Colby College
Recent Courses
Why Politics?
Comparative Politics
Building Political Parties
Civil Disobedience
Politics of Homelessness
The Politics & Arts of Resistance (with Prof. Dan Segal)
Rethinking Radicalism (with Prof. Corey Tazzara)
Recent First-Year Writing Seminars: The Great Transformation, Right-Wing Politics, What is The Point?
Selected Research & Publications
Current Book Project: Political Science at Home
Some Articles & Essays
“Populism in America: Christopher Lasch, bell hooks, and the Persistence of Democratic Possibility,” Critical Review (2020).
“William F. Buckley, Jr. and ‘America’s Engines of Concern,'” American Political Thought (2017). The public talk at Linfield College that led to this essay may be found here.
“Nationalism and the Liberal Arts College” in The Best Kind of College, John Seery and Susan McWilliams, eds. (2015). A public talk at Claremont McKenna College based on this essay can be found here.
“The Organizational Foundations of Corporation-based Parties” in Challenges of Party-Building in Latin America, Steven Levitsky et al, eds. (2016).
“The Changing Profile of Party Systems” in Democracy and its Discontents in Latin America, Joe Foweraker and Dolores Trevizo, eds. (2016).
“Corporation-Based Parties: The Present and Future of Business Politics in Latin America,” Latin American Politics & Society (2014).
“On the Brink of Violence: Work, Fear, and the State in the Bolivian Regions” in Economic Development Strategies and the Evolution of Violence in Latin America, William Ascher and Natalia Mirovitskaya, eds. (2012).
“Executive Assaults and the Social Foundations of Ecuadorian Democracy,” Latin American Politics and Society (2010).